All course materials, certifications, charts, provisions, fuel, fees, etc… except your private transportation are included. The cost is $3495 per candidate. About $25 an hour. Course date is flexible due to weather window.
This is a factory shot of Beneteau Sense 50. She’s a beauty. To learn more, go here: https://sailboatdata.com/sailboat/sense-50-beneteau
Course schedule is always subject to winds, weather and other variables, but here is a pretty good idea:
Day 1: ASA 105 Test. Vessel orientation. MOB drills. Safety briefing. SOLAS prep. Provisioning. Emergency crew assignments. Dinner on land together. Spend night aboard.
Day 2: Plot course, DR, Set and Drift. Set sail for Deltaville. Begin watch rotation. Log keeping.
Day 3: The crew begins to work in harmony. Study time.
Day 4: Sailing
Day 5: Arrive Chesapeake. Anchor. MOB exercises.
Day 6: ASA 106 Test. Crew departs boat.
Info on ASA 106 is here: https://asa.com/certifications/asa-106-advanced-coastal-cruising/
Unlike most ASA 106 courses that go 20 miles or so offshore, we’ll be a bit further out. It depends largely on winds and the quality of The Gulf Stream. Sailors can usually pick up three knots (sometimes more) by taking the Stream north. Once we reach Cape Hatteras, the Stream kicks out east toward Europe. If northerly winds are in store, we’ll stay closer in to escape the rough conditions caused by opposing wind and current.
Benjamin Franklin was the first person to plot and name The Gulf Stream.
These days, we can measure the position of this ever moving river of current by sea temperatures.